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22.03.2022   //   All News & Media

Treating injuries with cold therapy: Everything you need to know

Whole-body cryotherapy in Moonee Ponds

For centuries, cold has been a therapeutic agent for treating injuries. From the Edwin Smith Papyrus to Napoleon’s Russian campaign, there are innumerable references that talk about cold therapies.

In the modern world, cold treatments have become more prominent than ever. Thanks to the introduction of whole-body cryotherapy, which is a hot favourite among celebrities. Let’s dive deeper into the world of cold therapy and try to figure out everything about it!  

How does cold therapy work?

Cold therapy is often recommended to relieve an aching muscle. It reduces blood flow and subsequently reduces inflammation or swelling. This is a great way to manage pain, especially around a tendon or joint. In addition to that, cold therapy is often responsible for temporarily reducing nerve activity that can relieve muscle pain.

Basic cold therapy involves an ice pack that you can apply to an injury or swollen body part. Ice is a classic example of cold therapy. It is a centuries-old method and has been traditionally used to treat soft tissue injuries. Several studies reveal that ice is helpful when it comes to managing pain in the short term. Plus, it is unlikely that ice will create much of a negative effect in the long term. Ice packs can:

  • Reduce bleeding into the injured tissues
  • Help in managing muscle pain and spasm
  • Reduce swelling or inflammation
  • Numb the affected area

What are the additional benefits?

From muscle recovery to pain-relief, cold therapy has a lot to offer. For instance, it can recharge muscles after a workout or gym session. That’s why athletes use a cryotherapy chamber for muscle or injury recovery after exercising. It can help the muscles repair themselves and prepare for the upcoming workout session.

According to a research, cryotherapy reduced muscle pain in 80% of the observed studies. Also, it improved athletic recovery in 71% of the studies.

When you incorporate it into a regular post-workout routine, cold therapy can minimise recovery times and boost performance. Also, there are claims that it may ease symptoms of stress and depression. However, there is not enough evidence to support these claims that cryotherapy can alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Are there any precautions?

Yes, there are a few precautions. For instance, do not use cold therapy over areas of your skin that are oversensitive to cold. Also, do not use cold therapy if you have a heart condition. Consult your doctor in case you have diabetes or allergies.


As you can see, there are plenty of reasons why cold therapy or cryotherapy is effective when it comes to treating injuries. What’s your reason? Are you interested in getting cryotherapy or whole-body vibration therapy? Then we would like to assist you in your cold therapy journey.You can get benefits from cryotherapy sessions and improve the state of your health and mind.

Talk to us today.

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